William Latham

William Latham presents B+W Infinity B+W Mutator drawing, 2023 in the Contemporary Artists Room

  • This computer-generated A-Life AI drawing by William Latham shows an evolved complex 3D organic form created using Mutator and FormGrow software and Physics software which is then put in an infinity chamber. The effect of putting this complex B+W 3D organic form  into a mirrored cube with endless reflections is to create a highly decorative drawing where the viewers focus should continuously move around the image, moving from detail to detail. The works shows the influence of Gothic architecture with symmetrical and curved elements and Leonardo and Durer in terms of pencil drawing quality. The drawing also show a strong influence from the sci-fi painter Giger. The artwork is also influenced by William Latham and Stephen Todd’s work with scientists in the electron microscopy and protein folding domains which influenced the physics used for the art. This drawing is part of a series of 100 B+W infinity computer generated drawings by William Latham created over a 6 month period.  


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William Latham & Stephen Todd