
Final Panel Session on "AI Impact & Implications for Society"

The final panel session of the day, chaired by Professor Sir Nigel Shadbolt (Oxford, Jesus College, Computer Science), with Professor Marina Jirotka (Oxford, Computer Science), Dr. Jacomo Corbo (PhysicsX), Professor John Tasioulas (Oxford, Philosophy).

Set at Jesus College in Oxford, May 30th 2023, part of the Creative Machine Oxford symposium: https://www.creativemachine.io/

More on Prof. Sir Nigel Shadbolt: https://www.jesus.ox.ac.uk/about-jesus-college/our-community/people/nigel-shadbolt/

More on Prof. Marina Jirotka: https://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/people/marina.jirotka/

More on Dr. Jacomo Corbo: https://www.physicsx.ai/team/jacomo-corbo

More on Prof. John Tasioulas: https://www.philosophy.ox.ac.uk/people/john-tasioulas