Andy Lomas
Andy Lomas presents Cellular Form 14 0016 0016, 2013, in the Historical Artists Room
Cellular Forms uses a simplified biological model of morphogenesis, with three-dimensional structures created out of interconnected systems of particles.
Cell division can be triggered by a variety of means, including accumulated nutrient levels. When the nutrient level in a cell exceeds a given threshold the cell divides. Various parameters control how nutrient is generated and exchanged between immediate neighbours. A number of internal forces affect the structures, including linear and torsion spring forces between connected cells, creating complex dynamic patterns of stresses is the growing structure. Additional forces repel cells that are in close proximity but are not directly connected. This imposes important physical constraints on the system which gives global structural coherence to the resultant forms.
The simulation process is repeated over thousands of iterations and millions of particles, with typical final structures having over fifty million cells. Many different complex organic structures are seen to arise from subtle variations on the rules governing the systems, with selection of forms based on aesthetic considerations rather than optimising a conventional fitness function. As such, this work is exploratory rather than trying to mimic any specific target behaviour, though forms naturally emerge with strong reminiscences of plants, corals, internal organs and micro-organisms.
All the software used to run the simulations and render the resulting images was written and designed by the artist, implemented using C++ and CUDA.
Provided by Computer Arts Archive: The following four artworks are on loan from the Computer Arts Archive in Leicester, UK. The archive collects material relating to the development of digital arts in the UK and beyond and contains over 100 historical artworks in its core collection, plus a growing set of artist and specialist archives. The Computer Arts Archive is run by Dr Sean Clark, an artist, curator and current Chair of the Computer Arts Society.